Welcome to 4th and 5th Grade Reading, Language Arts, and Social Studies
with Mrs. Beauchamp
I am excited to announce that I am challenging your child to a 40 book challenge. The 40 Book Challenge is a way to get students interested in reading while exposing them to a variety of literature. Please help your child to locate books from the genre listed below. Your child can get books from the Medina Community Library, our school library, or our classroom library.
I will monitor their progress througout the year. I ask that you encourage your child to keep reading and that you will also monitor their progress.
Students will be bringing home their reading log every night. Students in 4th and 5th grade need to read for 20 minutes every night and 30 minutes over the weekend. After your child reads each evening, you need to initial the reading log.
If you would like to participate with us, please let me know. I think it will be fun.
Books to read:
Happy Reading!